Sexual Mastery
For Conscious Lovers

It's time to unplug.
An entirely new world unfolds when we move from the over identification of our minds into the wild unknown of our body intelligence.

Taking the time to get to know your most intimate self in a deliciously empowered and luxurious way.

Build Trust, Create Safety, Explore Your Edges. Turn On Your Hearts and Minds to Sensual and Sexual New Ways of Being With One Another.
Exploring your aliveness in groups and safe containers.
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Begin your sexual empowerment journey!
Explore Sexual Boundaries Sexual Mastery:
Limits that Set You Free in Kindle, Paperback,
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Happy reading!

" The whole experience turned out to be beyond our expectations, leaving us with a greater connection as a couple, vibrating with energy and keen to continue our tantric journey."
- Susie & David, Brisbane
" Last night was the first time we have made love since our retreat with you and the difference in the way we approached and engaged with each other was palpable.
There was so much more freedom present for both of us. Freedom of expression, freedom from expectations and freedom from habitual touch.
Thank you Eve."
- J & Y, Gold Coast
" We had two 4-hour sessions with Eve over a weekend and have no hesitation in saying that as a result our lives and our approach to our relationship have changed significantly for the better, enriched by the insights, options and techniques that we wouldn't otherwise have come across or adopted."
- S & V, Country NSW
"Each session feels
unique, anew and magically crafted, where Eve's communication and touch are perfectly harmonized with my mental, emotional and physical needs of that day."
- VG, Sydney


What Happens When Our Men Don't Receive
I often hear from many men that they obtain their pleasure from seeing their woman in pleasure and orgasm. That theyre satisfied with that and they don’t need to receive as much as their woman.
Although this is of course true, there are a few more things going on here that are not commonly recognised...

Is Your Sex
Too Hot?
Say what Eve? What are you on about? Everybody knows that sex is supposed to be ssssssizzling hot and that it’ s all about fiery, passionate seduction!
The entire world and pretty much everything we consider to be sexy, is sold on the notion that the hotter sex is, the deeper, more amazing and better sex is right?